providence |ˈprävədəns; -ˌdens| 1. the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power: "they found their trust
in divine providence to be a source of comfort" 2. God or nature as providing such care: "I live out my life as Providence
decrees" 3. timely preparation for future eventualities: "it was considered a duty to encourage providence" (see provide)

Providence |ˈprävəˌdens; -dəns| 1. the capital of Rhode Island, a port near the head of the Providence River, on
the Atlantic coast; pop. 173,618. It was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams (1604–83) as a haven for religious dissenters.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Surreal Reality

After eight months of planning, four months of making arrangements, three weeks with the scary-large check from Fr. Robb, six days at home in New York and roughly two years of daydreaming, Australia has finally become a reality. Today I will embark on my 25 hour-long journey from New York to Los Angeles to Sydney, entirely skipping May 28th in the process! (Try and do the math on that one...) And although my suitcase is packed and waiting near the front door, the reality of Australia and my Fr. Smith Fellowship hasn't really hit yet. The past three mornings I have woken up only to stare at the empty suitcase lying on the floor of my bedroom, wondering why it's there and who it's for. I really feel as if I've been planning this trip for someone else.

But despite the fact that I can't seem to wrap my head around the reality that is today, my desire to serve is still clear and unwavering. It's funny - two of the most frequently asked questions I receive upon explaining my travels to friends and family are, "Why Australia?" and, "Why serve?" As Fr. Smith Fellows, the purpose of our mission is to serve as ambassadors of Providence College's Catholic and Dominican faith, and to experience this faith and heritage internationally so that we may come to a fuller understanding of the universality of our faith. And as I reflected on my own faith journey, I realized it was precisely the Catholic and Dominican faith I was introduced to at Providence College that brought me back to the Church I had grown incredibly skeptical of throughout my high school years. 

The joy I have experienced since immersing myself in the faith once again has been overwhelming. To have God at the center of my life rather than material possessions or individual desires has strengthened my character and friendships, and graced me with a more optimistic view of life. Most importantly, I learned and felt the power of love. So much so that it has become difficult for me to fathom how I lived life so long without it. 

And that's exactly why I chose to serve in Australia. 

Australia has experienced a decline in religious identity - even more severe than what we have witnessed here in the United States. Less than 10 percent of Australian's identify their religion as the most important aspect of their life, with almost 50 percent claiming it holds no place in their life at all. And while this is of course a lifestyle preference for many, I have experienced the confusion and frustration of not wanting to identify with a religion or faith. But ever since encountering the Catholic and Dominican faith as it was and is personified by Providence College, I do not desire for anyone to live without experiencing the sheer happiness and joy that is brought by the faith. 

I desire to embody the love and humility of the Catholic faith and the Dominican Order. If by doing so I can inspire one person to see the saving power of God in their own life - or even to inspire it in someone else - then my mission as a Fr. Smith Fellow will have come full circle.  

Here's to personifying Providence.

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