providence |ˈprävədəns; -ˌdens| 1. the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power: "they found their trust
in divine providence to be a source of comfort" 2. God or nature as providing such care: "I live out my life as Providence
decrees" 3. timely preparation for future eventualities: "it was considered a duty to encourage providence" (see provide)

Providence |ˈprävəˌdens; -dəns| 1. the capital of Rhode Island, a port near the head of the Providence River, on
the Atlantic coast; pop. 173,618. It was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams (1604–83) as a haven for religious dissenters.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Beginning of a Summer Down Under

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Emily and this blog is where I will recount all of my tales from my 'Summer Down Under' in Sydney, Australia, courtesy of Providence College's Fr. Smith Fellowship Program for Study and Service Abroad! I am so blessed to have been selected as one of the seven 2012 Smith Fellows to travel to an international site of Catholic and Dominican heritage in order to deepen my understanding of the universal church, and to bring the fruits of my experiences back to the PC community!

For six weeks this summer (from May 27 to July 6), I will be living and serving in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia with the Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia. I have been working closely (well, as closely as email allows...) with Sr. Rosemary Kinne, who has graciously contacted various sites throughout Sydney where I can serve, mainly through an educational lens. Sr. Rosemary has been so helpful with all of our planning, and I cannot wait to meet her just to give her a huge hug!

Speaking of our planning - I am not traveling alone! Of the seven Smith Fellows this year, there are actually two of us heading to Sydney together, and he happens to be one of my closest friends here at PC! My good friend Joe has also been working very closely with Sr. Rosemary to craft an itinerary more focused through a medical lens, as he aspires to be a doctor one day. I feel so blessed to have him as a friend, let alone as my travel buddy! 

Although these next three weeks will be full of preparations, I will be sure to keep you updated with the pre-Sydney process! Thank you so much for following along with me on this journey - my hope is that by reading this blog, you can feel as if you are right in Sydney with me!

God bless,

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